Friday, October 31, 2008

Free Paying Surveys - The Wonder Cure for Poverty!

By Hailey Gates

Are you on the hunt for a free paid survey list? Are you confused by the many websites offering to sell you one? Can you tell the difference between a legit site and a bogus operation? You need the best list possible, but you don't want to get scammed!

Some sites will guarantee you enormous amounts of up front cash if you sign up for their list of free paying survey companies. All you have to do is a pay a small fee of $28, $35, or $47 and you can receive their very own 'specially compiled list'. Don't be misled!

Free paid survey lists are easy to obtain. The research companies will often advertise direct, and there are plenty of sites devoted to updating lists of companies that offer free paid surveys. You definitely shouldn't be asked to pay for a list.

These list will include the names of companies and sites that need large numbers of people to take surveys. The companies are willing to pay for you to spend the time it takes to answer their questions, and don't think for a minute they don't reward the survey sites for each person that signs up! Now all you have to do is earn your share.

The sites you are looking to sign up with should offer registration and free paid survey lists at no charge. A request for money up front, financial information, or for you to accept a 'trial period' are signs that a site is not exactly legit. Find the right sites, and they will actually be falling all over themselves to sign you up for free paying surveys!

A good sign when you are looking for free paid survey lists is a solid description of each company listed. Avoid ones that don't give pertinent information, like average pay per survey, or time between taking the survey and getting paid. They should also tell you up front if you will be expected to participate in any offers to qualify for the survey.

Once you have a list of survey sites and companies you feel is legit, go back through and Google them to make sure. Even the very best free paid survey list can contain a site or company that has gone astray. Fortunately, there is a wide network of people who watch for things like this. Just type the name of each company followed by the word 'scam' and see if there are any warnings posted on the web.

After you have gone through the free paid survey list and pinpointed the survey companies you want to be involved with, you can start the sign up process. Free paying surveys can come in daily or weekly, so the more sites you register with, the more money you can make off of them! After a time, you can begin to pick and choose to make even more income.

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