Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Top 7 Methods For Building Links To Your Website

By Dan Duvano

Link building is a big part of any serious website promotion campaign. Link popularity as it is termed, is one the key determinants of whether your website will prosper or fail.

Search engine rankings can be the making or breaking of your websites success, and these rankings are based on a number of factors. One the most important factors, often referred to as off page optimization, is the number of incoming links to your website.

Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal linking in a popular form of link bartering. It boils down to simply you swapping a link on your website for a link on someone elses website. Both of you link to each other, in the hope the search engines will think more highly of both sites. Since it's a swap, the search engines generally don't view these links as well as they would if they were one way only.

Posting To Forums

Posting comments to forums is a good way of building link popularity to your website. Your comments should be high quality and worth reading, and the forum should be on a topic relevant to your website. If these criteria are all satisfied, then a link in your signature line will be well regarded, and a useful link to have.

Posting Comments On Blogs

This is somewhat likenable to forum posting in that you are basically leaving a comment on someone else's website, and the comment includes a link back to your own website. The same rules apply as for forum posting; make sure your comments are worth reading and don't let yourself be accused of blog spam.

Writing Articles

This is a good way to build high quality one way links to your website. It works by you writing articles, or having them written for you, and posting them to article distribution services. You can also find services that will post them to these services for you to save you a considerable amount of time.

Writing good quality articles also helps establish you as a qualified authority on the topic in question. This means that those visitors reading your article are more likely to want to click on the links within it, to read more information from you. So don't just think about the search engine rankings - direct visitors matter too!

3 Way Linking

This is like a step up from reciprocal linking. It is still link trading though, but done more complexly than reciprocal linking. It works by you linking to website A, website A then linking to website B, and website B linking back to you.

Most three way linking products generate links from unrelated sites though, so although the links still help, then are not as good as pure one way links from related sites.

Build Your Own Sites

One method you can use, although I wouldn't recommend it, is to simply build sites to get links from. If you build a high quality site, then each link is of good value, but obviously this will take some time. If you build low quality sites full of links, the search engines will take little notice of them.

Building high quality secondary sites is not a good idea if done for purely link building purposes however, as the labor involved in simply too great to be time effective.

Number Seven: Link Building Wonderland

Ahhhh, my favorite link building method, and the one I would most highly recommend to you. This method is the best of all methods mentioned above. It is automated, easy, and extremely effective.

To discover link building method number 7, visit

I promise you, this one is the key to easy, effective link building.

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