Sunday, October 26, 2008

Master Resell Rights - Five Silly Slipups

By Jason Gardonski

Products with master resell rights can be a lucrative way to make residual income, if you avoid these 5 fatal errors.

Perhaps the most common mistake is to buy products that come with master resale rights without checking them out properly to see if they fit your market, or have the quality your customers expect.

Besides buying blindly, here are some of the other fatal errors marketers make when getting into selling products with master resell rights:

Buying on impulse. You will find offers to buy hundreds of products with master resell rights on the web, and to buy one for the sheer volume of stuff you get is a mistake. Often, the only way to make any money is to sell a similar package, rather than targetting your chosen niche market.

Acquiring the ideal products. It's tough to know which product with master resell rights is best for your particular subscribers, but if you find a good offer that has a good refund policy, you can buy in confidence. If you can try out the products before you acquire resell rights, it's even better.

Overpromotion. By this, I mean putting most of your resources into a single offer. If you do this, and the offer does not convert well, you might get into financial difficulty. If you instead balance your promotion between many things, you can balance out your income, and not suffer if something in your market changes.

Overspending on one product. Sometimes a fantastic offer will come along that offers you master resell rights for a big price. You need to make sure you are committed to making a profit with these big expenditures, since they will be more difficult to break even with than products that cost less to acquire.

Product saturation is common with master resell rights. Basically, the vendor sells it for as long as he can, and only after everyone stops buying does he offer rights to it. These products will be extremely hard to sell, and should be avoided, unless you know a fresh supply of prospects.

If you pay attention to these 5 common errors, you can make a good profit online using the power of master resell rights.

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