Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Respiratory Organ In Human Being

By Don Bethune

In order for human beings to survive, we have to breathe, and so we have the respiratory tract, which is the passage that air travels along from the outside to our lungs. The respiratory system consists of the respiratory tract and respiratory organs, and is known as pulmonary respiration. In humans, the respiratory tract is a complex system, made up of six key organs.

The nasal cavaty:- Nasal cavity lies above the mouth cavity. Tye nasal cavity communicate to the outside through external nostrils and internally with the pharynx by internal nostrils. Both cilia and mucus check the entry of dust particles in the respiratory passage.

The Pharynx. After entering through the nasal cavity, air next goes to the pharynx. There, the pharynx opens into the larynx or voice box through the glottis. The pharynx is actually shared by the respiratory system with the digestive tract. Luckily, the glottis is usually covered by the cartilage epiglottis when we swallow food, so we donat choke.

The Larynx. The Larynx is a cartilagious structure located at the tracheal opening that resembles a box. When we swallow food, the larynx will move up or down to allow the passage of either air or food. The larynx also serves another purpose, as it contains two vocal chords to vibrate and produce sound, allowing us to speak.

The Trachea: The trachea is the next organ through which air flows. This is a tube that is eleven centimeters in length with a twenty five centimeter diameter. In order to keep the trachea opened, there is an incomplete C-shaped cartiligious ring within the trachea wall.

The Bronchi and Bronchioles. The next stop for air is the two primary bronchi that split off from the trachea. These serve the function of carrying the air into the next organ, the lungs. The right bronchus divides into three bronchi, each extending respectively into the three lobes of the right lung. On the other side, the left bronchi divides into two bronchi that extend into the two lobes of the left lung.

Lungs:- There are two lungs in the thoracic cavity.The thoracic cavaty is bounded by vertebral coloumn arrives sternum and diaphragm.The lungs are highly elastic hollow dark coloured spongi bag like structure. The lungs rest on a sheet of muscle called the diaphragm which forms the floor of the thoracic.

The right lung is divided into three lobies whereas the left lung has two lobies.The lungs are sorrounded by a narrow shape called pleural cavaty.There are two membranes around pleural cavaty.These membrane secret an oily fluid called pleural fluid.Pleural cavity is filled with pleural fluid.

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