Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Web 2.0 and Social Media Change Chiropractic Internet Marketing

By Dr. Matthew Loop

I'm baffled every time I see the old marketing techniques of chiropractors that were once learned from previous consultants. How is it they settle for the same old protocol and for the same old results time and time again? We all know that the economy is practically in the toilet, and that people aren't responding to the same marketing tricks anymore.

Eric Hoffer once said," In times of change, the learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists!" In other words, if you don't move with the times, you'll get run over by the times. Don't let your chiropractic practice disappear into dust.

Fast forward now to the Web 2.0 phenomenon that is sweeping the globe at the present time. Whenever you hear the term Web 2.0, it simply refers to social media and sharing sites like Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, Squidoo, Digg, and truckloads of others. Web 2.0 has literally transformed the way people think and communicate online in the past three years. A global shift in attracting massive amounts of new business and patients has occurred as well.

For the last several years, I've been getting 10-20 new patients / month and have created multiple sources of income through the successful utilization of these networks while the rest of the profession was stuck in the "stone-age." I consider myself a proven innovator so I decided to consult other chiropractors on how to realize the life of prosperity they've always imagined by harnessing the power of social media. With the new marketing strategies and tactics I revealed, I single-handedly reshaped the chiropractic models of acquiring new patients overnight. Not only that, I've been showing the same doctors how to create residual income by leveraging the web in ways they could've never imagined.

Now, I'm beginning to see other generic, watered down versions of my game-changing marketing techniques being taught by people that are self-deemed gurus with NO results. This is dangerous, as many impressionable students and desperate DC's may roll the dice then become deeply distraught with the mediocre results they continue to experience. Don't be fooled with sub-par consulting from practice management companies that don't specialize in social media, regardless of what they tell you. That's like going to a gynecologist for a brain tumor.... make sense?

I'm going to toot my own horn here and say that I am the premier, original, and only Web 2.0 social media chiropractic marketing expert around, and it is my pleasure to have helped thousands of young professionals uncover a richer, more successful existence. These people are now free in their lives to seek out fulfillment. There is nothing like the gift of time that their flexible schedules permit. I have guided them and mentored them to this great place in their lives, and taught them to work smarter, not harder. 40 hours a week is a thing of the past. Welcome to your future!

Before I go I'm going to share with you a great strategy to use today when taking the necessary steps to brand yourself and your business on these social media sites. Don't skimp; tell your story in about 6 paragraphs. Talk about your life and obstacles, the paths you've taken, and where your journey has led you today. Think of it as a heartwarming story. How about a title like:"Who is (Your Name)?" When people see and know that you're a real person, they are 10 times more likely to give you their business. What's your motivation, and why are you in the business of helping people? People don't like ads thrown in their face, so make it personal; human.

Also, before you begin to invite friends to view your profile, make sure you've set-up at least 3 blogs as well. These will keep people glued to your page as you strategically build your name and reputation in your community. I delve deeply into the proper dynamics in my 30 "Step-by-step video training series at the website below. Take these things to heart and begin to navigate in the ever-expanding Web 2.0 realm and you'll see, if done correctly like I teach, you'll have all the business you want and be able to amass multiple streams of income very easily. Continued success!

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