Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Value of Political Yard Signs

By Precision Signz

Election yard signs are not just cardboard on a stick for your front yard. They are literally reminders of the foundation of American government; what it represents and is all about. When viewed from this perspective, they carry significant weight.

Get Your Candidate's Message Out with Political Yard Signs

Election yard signs may be considered bottom-of-the-barrel marketing when compared to more flashy forms of political advertising. However, they are a favored grassroots marketing tool that has stood the test of time. Used by local political candidates and those who aspire to national offices as well, they are tried, true and effective. One might say that election yard signs are the granddaddy of all forms of political marketing.

Taking the time to properly design your candidate's political yard sign can mean the difference between a "Yay" or "Nay" vote. Why? Because design speaks to the brand that is your candidate. Americans are bombarded by thousands of messages every day. What's going to make your candidate's get through? You want your candidate to be remembered not just when a potential voter sees a sign, but come voting time as well.

2 Tips for Designing a "Vote-Getting" Political Yard Sign

They have to see it to believe it: Many are so eager to get their candidates message across that they try to crowd everything onto one sign. This has the opposite effect, as most passersby won't have the time, or inclination to take in the whole message. So, make your campaign lawn sign readable. This is best achieved by stick with a simple, powerful message.

Decide on Its Purpose: Perhaps the most important part of designing a political yard sign is to decide what message you want to get across. Political yards signs usually inspire people to do one of three things: vote for a particular, not vote for the other party, or raise awareness of a particular candidate.

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