Friday, October 3, 2008

How To Write A Perfect Blog

By Don Bethune

Simply stated; a blog should be completely focussed in having people study its contents. The web is constantly bombarded with countless blog sites of almost any topic. So this avalanche of websites has a constant battle of keeping readers back for more postings.

Most of the time visitors just scan the blog for any points that catch their attention than reading the entire blog. So the main goal when writing a goal becomes to catch the attention of the visitor in the first few seconds so that they continue to read the entire blog. Given below are few helpful points to keep in mind when writing a blog post.

Snag the focus of the visitor: Make them curious by creating short paragraphs that have sections text emphasized or set in bold headings. Clearly displaying these sections will provide enough highlights to the reader of the general sense of the entire article. The reader can zoom quickly to the sections of interest and study further your blog article. Keeping each point of your headings clearly displayed and intriguing will draw their interest.

When is the last time you looked for an interesting illustration or photo to go with your blog posting? Even an odd looking illustration will force the reader to pause and ingest this information. Capture their attention with the image, and they may stay to read your blog to learn more.

The Blog laser, bullet points: Condensed ideas listed with bullet points will quickly communicate your thoughts to the blog reader. Zap away the fuzzy text by sending clearly defined short points to the reader. Seeing such lists of concise information will increase your blogs reading time to be increased.

Concentrate on the bulk of your message then write the title headline: Your blog title should represent the primary message of your blog article and gain the readers curiosity. Compose your entire blog article and then pause for a moment to make the right blog title. This way you have distilled the entire message while the composition is fresh in your mind

Startle the browser by being controversial on your subject title. By going against the flow of the normal brain process gives you a chance to be above the storm of blogs. Be prepared to substantiate what your title says or you will lose readers.

Engage the reader to take action by posing a question: Readers will help you add content to your blog site if you provide the hook for their input by comments and questions. Add interest to your blog by having others respond to your questions.

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