Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is Your Website Making This Very Basic Mistake?

By David B. Ascot

There is one thing that every website needs to do. While many do a perfectly good job of this simple task, you'd be shocked at how many fail to take advantage of this, the easiest way to increase their conversions and generate more leads. Even websites which are not trying to sell anything but still wish to get a response from their readers should read and implement the technique given in this article. Even if this seems simple at first, keep reading for some more advanced uses of this method.

Are you making it easy for your prospects to get in touch?

I'm occasionally contracted to analyse the conversion rate of a website and suggest ways to improve conversion. One of the blindingly obvious conversion mistakes that I spot more often than you might think is the complete absence of a "Contact us" page (or one that's very well hidden).

This page is typically the best way for prospects to get in touch (or sign up for a list, if you are aiming for lead generation). Just making this contact us page more easy to find will increase your conversion rate ? one client saw their number of inquiries increase by a whopping 25% almost immediately.

Make sure it's clear!

I saw one website which did feature this page as a link in a drop-down menu, but it was nested inside the "about us" sub menu. This makes your contact information harder to find. Instead, put your contact us page link where it is easy for any visitor to your site to find.

Some websites also invent an "original" name for their "Contact Us" page. Sometimes these are easy to understand (e.g. "Enquire here", "Contact me", "Make a booking" etc.), but other times they're far too confusing (e.g. "Details").

You're better off using the standard language for this link; do this and you'll be guaranteed to have more inquiries from prospects.

Exploring this idea further:

One thing which can help to boost your conversion rates dramatically is to incorporate your call to action several times in a single page (use slight variations on the language each time to give it more force).

Follow each call to action with a "contact us now" link ? catching your prospects in various places and give them more chances to get in touch with you.

A "contact us" link at or near the beginning of your copy works well for your regular readers (and for the impatient).

Insert "Contact us" links right after "hot" copy elements such as benefit bullets to invite immediate enquiry when the emotional barometer is at its highest point.

Toward the end of your copy, put your final call to action.

Structuring "Contact us" links in this way is much better than writing a couple of pages of copy and putting one link right at the bottom. This tip isn't suited to every type of site, but it does apply to most online lead generation situations.

Try it out!

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