Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Carbon Copy Pro 2009 90 Day Challenge

By Jan Shimano

It is absolutely essential to set goals for yourself and write them down. So many people still don't understand how important it is to do this. Some have a vague idea of what they would like to have happen in the future but they don't even have a rough plan of action. If you are not sure of where you are heading, how are you going to know if you ever get there!! I know that sounds a little silly, but when you think about it, you will realize that it makes a lot of sense.

I have been retired from full-time employment for many years now. In the past I was District Manager for Health & Welfare Canada. A lot of responsibility went along with the job but I had no computer skills as my staff would take care of those things for me. Just this past November, 2008, I decided that I was going to fulfill a dream of mine to run my own internet marketing business. I knew next to nothing about the industry but I was determined to learn what I needed to know. After doing a fair amount of research, I aligned myself with Carbon Copy Pro. I was very impressed with this Company because they offered a complete marketing system that helped solve all the problems that most people face in a home-based business. They also provided all the necessary tools for success. I could hardly believe it, but they actually also closed the deals for you!!

I stumbled upon a video of their 2008 Convention that took place just before I joined them. They were offering a program called the 2009 Carbon Copy Pro 90 Day Challenge. I was able to sign up for it and last evening (February 23, 2009) we had the last webinar of the series. One of the instructors suggested that we record the progress we had made over the last 90 days. This got me thinking about where I am today compared to where I was when I started the program. At the beginning, I had never written an article, let along had one published, I had never created a video or even been in one, I had never had a blog or a Facebook or a Twitter fact I didn't even know what a number of these things were.

So how did I make out? Well, I learned that I enjoy writing and have now written 20 articles and they have all been published by EzineArticles. That alone would have made me deliriously happy....but I also managed to get all 20 articles on the first page of Google and many of them were even in the number one spot.

I went out and bought a little webcam and starting learning how to make and edit videos. I now have 26 videos on my YouTube channel and I also have 37 people subscribing to my videos, so that they can be informed whenever I upload a new one. I am receiving some very complimentary comments from viewers who are thanking me for helping them with their business.

I had a blog that I have now transferred over to a blog so that I can host it myself. I have started to learn the ins and outs of blogging and am also learning to create my own capture pages. I posted my first Press Release a month or so ago and will be posting another one this week. I have 567 followers on Twitter and 685 on Facebook and have developed some great relationships by networking with these people.

In retrospect, I realize that I have accomplished a great deal during the last 90 days, but this is only the beginning.

I know you have all heard people say "if I can do it, then anyone can!" Well, I am a 65 year old, retired woman, with no previous computer or marketing skills. If you have the desire to reach your goals, then believe me, nothing can or will stop you from accomplishing them. The right person or the right information will 'magically' come along at just the perfect time. It really is very exciting and I would like to encourage any of you that are thinking of starting your own home-based business, to just go for it. There is no better time than right now. There are going to be millions of new millionaires created in the next ten years and there is no reason on earth why you can't be one of them.

One final word if I may....if you ever have the chance to sign up for the next 2009 Carbon Copy Pro 90 Day Challenge, then don't hesitate for a moment. The training you will receive will be priceless.

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