Friday, February 27, 2009

Learn how to Succeed with PPC Marketing

By Sean Galusha

If you were to ask a professional PPC manager what the key to PPC success is, odds are they would say it is split-testing.

You need to split test everything. From text ads to landing pages, every single aspect of your campaign needs to be tested constantly.

There are small things that make huge differences when it comes to PPC. By changing just one small aspect of a text ad, you can increase your CTR by 250%! Without testing all aspects of your campaign, you will never know where these little golden nuggets are.

To be successful, you have to test all the time. As soon as one test is done, you need to move on and test the same thing again.

One easy way to split test your text ads is to use what is called the chi-squared formula. What this formula tells us is at which point (how many clicks) a test is relevant, at which point we can declare a winner and move on to the next test.

We need to have enough information to make a decision that is at least 95% accurate.

An example of this is if I were to play Lebron James in a game of one-on-one, there is a small chance that I might beat him once. But if Lebron and I were to play 50 games of one-on-one, there is almost no chance that I would win more than him over the course of 50 games. 1 game is really insignificant.

This is the same concept we talk about in this article. You need to make sure that you have enough data to make educated decisions.

It is harder than you think to find a PPC management company that knows what they are doing. A lot of the so-called "Professional Agencies" have literally no idea what they are doing, and do next to no split-testing at all. Don't fall into one of their money traps, and make sure you know what you are getting before you get management for your PPC account.

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