Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Online Ad Copy Writing Tips

By Trevor Albers

Even the most fabulous product or most helpful service doesnt sell itself. Effective ad copy is what distinguishes lackluster, ineffective ads from ads that get the desired result. Whether you are renting a vacation property, selling merchandise, or trying to persuade consumers to try your product or service, the words that you choose in your ad do make a difference. This article will help to provide some tips to write ad copy that sells.

The first thing to do is to identify your target demographic. If you are trying to sell vacation rental shares to retirees, for example, your ad will read much differently than if you are trying to persuade couples in their thirties to buy the same shares. What does this mean? Different demographic groups are focused on different things. Retirees may be interested in using a vacation home more frequently, for example, than the thirty-somethings, and those in the younger demographic may be more interested in the propertys proximity to beaches, outdoor recreation, and nightlife.

Dont become so focused on flash and graphics that you neglect to include the basics. Make sure that your business name, address and other contact information, and the clear purpose and type of products or services that you provide. An ad with concise and clear copy is better than ad add with fantastic graphics and no real information.

This isnt to say that graphics and custom logos arent important attention-grabbing components, but what you want to focus on, first and foremost, is what your ad says. Attention grabbing hooks tired of the same old fast food routine? Looking for a better solution for finding your next vacation rental? are usually effective, and no matter what your business, product, or service, you should be able to find one that works. It is important to attract the attention of the reader with the very sentence.

What should the rest of your ad contain? After the crucial title and the first sentence, you should spell out, concisely and clearly, exactly what type of products and services you can provide, and what makes you different from the competition. If this seems simple, it is because the formula really is, although you will probably find that you will need to run a few test ads before you find the one that really works for you.

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