Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting The Best eBook Cover Maker Service Online Can Be Easy!

By Kieren Moran

The efforts of many ebook creators, who work diligently to produce a great product for their customers containing the best resources and information, often prove to be worthless when the ebook is advertised by using a home-made or cheap ebook cover.

In order for the ebook to become successful and for your business to be enhanced it is essential that the customer is given far more than the information they have actually bought. After all, the ebook has to fulfill each and every one of the promises made on the sales page.

Persuading a customer to buy a product, such as an ebook, an ecourse or even a software package which they cannot actually hold in their hand and look at is always difficult. It is therefore, necessary for the marketer to demonstrate how good the product is in a professional way allowing the customer to appreciate the value for money represented by the product. This almost always leads to an increased sales conversion ratio.

A smart ebook marketer will ardently look for an expert ebook cover maker to work with and create an ebook cover graphic or illustration which not only looks the business, but also instills confidence in the customer as far as the product is concerned.

Research has shown that sales figures for an ebook being sold using a free template ebook cover are much lower than sales for similar ebooks being marketed with a professional cover graphic created by an ebook cover maker.

When you're searching for an ebook cover maker to create your own graphics, it's important you have the opportunity to view the artist's portfolio so you have an idea of the quality of work you'll be receiving.

You will soon realize that some ebook cover creators are using inexpensive ebook cover software to produce the covers whilst others have the skill to design and create a unique cover which can only enhance your business, along with theirs.

Of course, you're going to want value for your money. After all, you're still in business to make yourself a profit. While it is possible to download free ebook cover templates, these don't look professional enough to convince many savvy internet buyers to part with their hard earned cash.

When making a comparison of costs, you should bear in mind the quality of the product you will get as well as the expenditure for the graphics when using the services of a professional ebook cover maker.

You can expect to pay an average of $40 to 50 US for a professional cover maker to produce a good quality cover for you, but some charge as much as $97 for the same service, so it certainly pays to look around.

By far, the best way to determine the level of service and end-quality of the product you'll receive is to browse through the testimonials the ebook cover maker has to offer. Testimonials are a sure way to verify the validity of any claims the designer is making and should give you confidence that you're dealing with a professional business person who only wants to offer you the best possible service.

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