Saturday, February 28, 2009

Money saving tips when buying custom presentation folders

By Chris Higgins

Custom presentation folders present a professional image and promote your business. To make sure you get the most for your money when ordering custom presentation folders, keep these five tips in mind.

Get the right size. A standard size presentation folder is 9 x 12 but if you're investing in a custom folder you can get any size you want. For many applications a legal size folder makes sense and in other cases a mini folder is the way to go. There are many standard size variations available at no extra cost for example you can choose from a 9" or 9 1/2 wide presentation folder in either regular size or legal size and that 1/2 inch may make a big difference depending on how your customers will use the folder.

What are you putting in the pockets and how many do you need? a standard presentation folder has two pockets but when ordering a custom folder you can get exactly what you need. If you only need one pocket you'll save some money because you're using less paper, but depending on how you plan on using it you may need three or four pockets. don't skimp on the pockets if it will make the folder less functional, remember the idea is to present the best most professional image of your company.

How will the presentation folder be used and what are you putting inside? The goal is to create a folder that portrays your professional image so make sure that whatever goes inside fits and can be easily organized without changing the shape of the folder. If you have a lot of material to include think about box pockets, expanding pockets or even an expanding spine.

Pick a paper that matches the image you're trying to create. There are infinite paper choices, not only in color and texture but also thickness. If your custom presentation folder is an extension of some existing marketing material then the easy choice is to use a matching paper stock. if your trying to create something new or go in a different direction then the number of paper choices is almost infinite.

Match your other printed material. Some businesses may be tempted to create a full color presentation folder with lots of photographs, images and color. It will look great but does it match the other printed marketing material you already use? Maybe a solid color with a prominent logo, a linen paper stock with a foil stamp, or even a clean white folder with a logo and contact information is a better match for the image you already have.

A presentation folder is a marketing piece you'll proudly give to customers and prospects use these 5 tips to ensure it provides the highest impact and return on investment.

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