Thursday, February 26, 2009

Readymade Review Sites - Boosting Affiliate Marketing With Review

By Joris Bonzo

Affiliate Marketing is something you have probably heard of. Today this is a very common thing on Internet. The concept of Affiliate Marketing is very easy to understand. One party has a product which he sells online. This can be an info product, software or physical products.

Other people are going to promote this product by Paper Click Advertising and/or Search Engine Optimization. For that the affiliate (the one who promotes the product) usually sets up a sales page (website) in which they link to the website of the product. And for every sold purchased product via an affiliate, the affiliate is rewarded with a commission.

A lot of people are making a good living out of affiliate marketing every day. However it is not that simple anymore these days. Since so many people found about affiliate marketing the market is becoming more and more occupied. As a result you need to distinguish yourself as affiliate marketing in order to become profitable. This can be done with the systems of readymade review sites.

There are several techniques to do this (which you will find plenty information on when googling around). However there is one interesting new technique helping affiliates to become successful.

this way ( Readymade Review Sites ) of working is based on the fact that most people don`t like to be sold an item, but prefer to be told about a product by someone they trust.

So when an individual is interested in a product but is not sure about it yet, he might want to look for reviews to make a final decision. And that is exactly what happens. Often people combine a product name and review in search terms in a search engine.

At that moment they will probably find a few review sites reviewing the product that they are interested in. The affiliate technique uses this information. You then have a site with a review of this product. At the end of the review you will probably find an affiliate link to the product page.

When people read this review. People tend to get enough confidence in the product that they will decide to buy it. And then when they came to the payment page through their link, the affiliate gets paid.

But off course this is not as simple as it seems. An affiliate is probably able to write a good review but it still needs to appear in the search engine results of a search engine when an individual types in a product name and review (or something similar)

There is solution for that now (Readymade Review Sites). There are several systems that will help affiliates with that and in fact make it really easy. So that affiliates can easily profit from that consumers that are almost ready to buy but just need one extra argument before they purchase.

Affiliates have a reduced risk with these techniques, because they can eliminate pay per click advertising (adwords). This is a very expensive form of promotion.

Readymade review sites offers such as system

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