Friday, February 27, 2009

What is a Quality Manual for ISO 13485?

By Mark Kaganov

A quality manual is a high-level definition of a quality management system of your company. It is similar to an expanded mission or vision statement. Quality manual establishes the policy-level position of your management in the area of quality management system (QMS) and compliance with applicable regulations. There are two definitions of what a quality manual for an ISO 13485 QMS should be:

ISO 10013, Guidelines for Developing Quality Manuals, element 4.2, gives detailed suggestions for creating a quality manual. It defines a quality manual, among other requirements, as a document that should "consist of, or refer to, the documented quality system procedures intended for planning and administration of activities which impact on quality". ISO 13485:2003, element 4.2.2 requires a quality manual to include:

1 - the scope of the QMS

2 - details of and justification for any exclusion or non-application;

3 - the documented QMS procedures or reference to them;

4 - relationships between the processes of your quality management system.

5 - definition of the QMS structure

The scope of the QMS is usually located in the corresponding section of the quality manual (QM). It simply states what activities your company performs within the scope of your certification. For example: "My Company, Inc. designs, manufactures and distributes laser generators for cosmetic surgery applications"

Now, after we established the scope of our ISO 13485:2003 QMS, we need to describe the processes we use to achieve the results stated in our scope. While we are doing this, we need to remember to reference corresponding procedures. Per my experience, the easiest way to do it is to transform the standard from a list of requirements into your organization's dedication to satisfy those requirements. For example: Element 5.5.2.c of ISO 13485:2003 requires a Management Representative to ensure "? promotion of awareness regulatory and customer requirements ?" our manual will affirm: "The Management Representative ensures that regulatory and customer requirements are clearly communicated throughout the organization per the Purchasing Procedure and Regulatory Compliance Procedure."

As you can see, a reference to a specific procedure satisfies the third requirement for a quality manual (above). Following this approach by addressing all applicable elements of the standard and referencing corresponding procedures, we will establish a manual that meets the requirements of ISO 13485:2003 standard.

Various methods are used to document process interactions. Some companies utilize Figure 1 from ISO 9001:2000 standard to document relations between main processes. Use of such an illustration and references to your procedures, will define interactions between your processes. You can find additional models for process interactions on the Internet. Just, type "process interaction matrix" into your browser and you will find your answers.

The last requirement of the element 4.2.2 is to outline of the structure of the documentation. Very often I see companies defining their structures as four- or five-level documentation structure in the documentation management section of the manual.

Now, when we addressed the requirements of ISO 13485:2003 standard for quality manual, consider this. A quality manual may become a strong marketing tool. It can tell your potential clients and vendors that your organization is not only a quality-conscious organization, but that it also realizes benefits of a well documented commitment to quality and compliance with regs.

I always wonder what companies achieve by stamping their quality manuals in bold capitol red letters "CONFIDENTIAL". As far as I am concerned, a quality manual is a company's resume for quality, and if you hide your resume, there is a very good chance that you will never get a job! All our customers are encouraged to make their quality manuals public!

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