Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are you a Melaleuca Marketer?

By Kyle Drallid

What does the term MARKETING mean for the Melaleuca marketer? Hundreds of business owners ask this question everyday. Most people think that marketing is selling, advertising or public relations. Only a small minority of top marketers understand that marketing also includes needs assessment, marketing research, product development, pricing and distribution. Most people mistakenly identify marketing with selling and promotion only.

It's No wonder! We are all attacked with television commercials, newspaper ads, direct mail, Radio, email and sales calls. Someone somewhere is forever trying to sell us something. It may be clich and it seems that we cannot escape death, taxes or getting sold something.

Therefore many starting and experienced business owners are amazed to learn that the most important part of marketing is not selling. Selling is only the part of the marketing iceberg that is observable publicly. Selling is only one of several significant marketing functions and often not the most important one. If a marketer does a good job of identifying likely customer needs, developing or representing suitable products, adjusting pricing, determining efficient distributing, and promoting them effectively, any product or service will sell very easily.

Everyone is familiar with "hot" products and services to which consumers flock too. When Microsoft introduced its Xbox, when Chevrolet rolled out its first corvette, and when Larry Page and Sergey Brin first pioneered Google, these innovators were flooded with orders because they had designed the "correct" product. Not me-too products, but distinct ones offering new benefits.

Mike Dillard, one of Network Marketings leading attraction theorists, put it this way: the answer lies in basic human psychology, so thats where we need to start.

This is not to say that selling and promotion are unimportant, but rather that they are part of a more comprehensive "marketing mix". Selling is part of a set of marketing tools that must be organized for maximum impact on the marketplace and individual consumers.

Here is my characterization of Marketing: Marketing is any human activity directed at full fill needs, wants and desires through a transaction system. Needs are products and services that are necessary such as food, water and shelter. Wants are needs that have been influenced by our environment like a specific brand, color or model. Desires are needs for a product or service that are in limited supply. Unfortunately we desire what is difficult or possessed by an elite few.

In future articles I will drive deeper into these definitions and will explain the following terms: Needs, wants, demands, products, exchange, transactions and there importance to the complete Melaleuca marketing process.

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